Two ways to Respond to Leads Immediately

The software provides users two separate ways to immediately respond to leads over the phone. They are:

  1. ResponsePop - Utilizes the inbound ACD portion of
  2. Call Now - Utilizes the outbound dialer portion of
Each of these two options operates very differently. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The number of customers we have using either option is split about evenly between the two. I will discuss these  methods below.

This option utilizes the inbound ACD portion of to facilitate an immediate response. It works like this:
  1. Lead information is submitted electronically to
  2. In this "post" there are instructions to perform a ResponsePop.
  3. A sales rep is logged into the inbound ACD for the ResponsePop leads
  4. Less than one second after the lead is posted to, the sales rep's phone will ring and screen will pop with the lead information
  5. Upon answering the phone, the sales rep will hear the phone ringing out to the lead.
This form of immediate response is the most intrusive for the sales rep. It is the best way to ensure the quickest response when seconds matter the most. It is also the best option for companies with three or less sales reps.

Call Now
This option utilizes the outbound dialer portion of to facilitate an immediate response. This option is simpler than the ResponsePop option. Here's how it works:
  1. Lead information is submitted electronically to
  2. In the "post" there are instructions to perform a ResponsePop
  3. The lead is inserted into the outbound dialer as the very next lead to be called
  4. A sales rep is actively making calls in the outbound dialer
  5. As a sales rep goes through calls, they will automatically call new leads as they are added to
The drawbacks to this option are that it can take longer to respond to leads. If your organization has only one or two people making calls, they could both possibly get caught on the phone with another lead and not get to the new lead for a long time. The other drawback is that an outbound call is regulated by the sales rep. If he or she simply decides they do not want to talk to the person, they could simply skip right through the new lead. The advantage to this method is it is much less intrusive to the sales rep. If your organization makes a significant number of outbound calls this may be a better option.

Both options can provide the same end. The only difference is what means is best for you to get there.

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