July 2010 Software Update

Critical Software Updates:
This month we released two enhancements that will have a major impact on system performance. To keep our system nimble and scalable, we modified the way our global search engine and custom field search options work within the database.

  • Custom fields will not be searchable until the next business day. This change is primarily for speed and data consistency.
  • The global search will now only recognize search results if the name of the item being searched for begins with the actual search string. For example, if you type "Bert" into the global search, it will only find people named Bert, Bertis, Berthrong, and Berting. If you type in "Rob," it will find Robert, Roberts, Robertson, Roberson, Robinson, etc.

This month's key updates include:

  • A system notice will be sent to the system administrator if there is a problem sending a mass email. This should help users ensure that emails are being sent through mass email campaigns, or through the ELF as scheduled. The notice will be sent from the InsideSales.com system to the user's inbox.
  • Ability to rename an actively running ELF Campaign. Though not a "critical enhancement," being able to rename and relabel an ELF will let users better organize and group their various ELF activities.
  • Ability to use blind carbon copies (BCC's) in email templates.Useful in some circumstances for sending email templates that require BCC capabilities.
  • A new login page. We've updated our look and feel to the system, to give your users and employees a more professional appearance to their tools.

Fixes for this update include:
  • A fix for exporting certain date and time combinations from the CRM that were working improperly.
  • A bug that was preventing records with multiple owners from being found in the search engine.
  • A bug that was preventing users from updating options in custom dropdown fields from the Admin tab.
  • A database error that was not allowing information to be imported into the default contact birthday field.

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