Over time as I continue to work with one company after another I have found a few ways people create problems for themselves when implementing InsideSales.com. The most important step for setting up InsideSales.com is planning. After you've planned things out go back and trim the fat to keep things simple.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to plan every step of the way. This step will save an exorbitant amount of time. You cannot possibly know how you are going to set up an e mail campaign without first knowing what you want to say to people in your e mail, how often you want to e mail people, and who will receive the e mail. You must know those things BEFORE you start trying to set things up.
The same concepts apply when setting up a dialing list, an automated workflow, the lead flow process, and even what information you will be tracking on a lead. It is very important through every step.
Secondly, keep it simple. Over and over again I've seen new users get excited about what InsideSale.com can do and they try to take it all on at once. They add every option, every bell and whistle. The problem with this is the complexity it adds. Without exception, these users feel overwhelmed with all the options, setup, and misunderstanding how these things work together.
I am all for companies using all aspects of InsideSales.com, but you must walk before you can run. Take it one step at a time. Most often you will find yourself going back to square one and re-designing everyting to keep it simpler. Do yourself a favor and start there.
Plan It & Keep It Simple
InsideSales.com Software Updates
Approximately every four to six weeks InsideSales.com performes system upgrades to release new features and fixes. These upgrades are typically done between the hours of 12AM to 4AM so as to not interrupt service during typical business hours.
These updates come free of any upgrade charge, are throughly tested, and provide users with new features based on cusomer feedback and requests. Sometimes these updates are small, others they are fairly significant.
For the month March, 2010, InsideSales.com has focused on improving the Reporting Engine. This feature allows users to create custom reports from most any data point in InsideSales.com. Some added features this month include:
- Automatic Report E mails
- Added Custom Field Reporting
- Ability to add Categories to keep reports Organized
- Various other fixes and upgrades.
I will try to keep everyone updated on new updates each time we have a system upgrade.